Sad je prekasno, jednom kad se stvori monopol on se jako teško ili nikako ne razbija. Mali igrači jednostavno nemaju kapitala kojim će konkurirati velikim lancima koji su već zgrnuli hrpu love i imaju razvijenu logistiku za daljnji razvoj, mogućnosti ulaganja s tim da će gubiti prvih par godina itd, itd... Svaki pokušaj stavljanja plafona na cijene i he, he znamo koje dvije organizacije iz Bretton Woodsa će ćapiti mile nam političare za jaja tako jako da ćemo na kraju svi cijukati...
Evo jedan zanimljiv tekst za one koji nisu čuli za visokopozicioniranog djelatnika svjetske banke (nobelovac) koji je iznio prljavi veš pa je odmah (naravno) izbačen i sve je dobro zataškano
...par citata:
We have seen the activity of the IMF/World Bank for years. They come in, pay off politicians to transfer the water systems, the railways, the telephone companies, the nationalized oil companies, gas stations - they then hand it over to them for nothing. The Globalists pay them off individually, billions a piece in Swiss bank accounts.
I've got inside documents recently from Argentina, the secret Argentine plan. This is signed by Jim Wolfensen, the president of the World Bank. By the way, just so you know, they are really upset with me that I've got the documents, but they have not challenged the authenticity of the documents. First, they did. First they said those documents don't exist. I actually showed them on television. So then they backed off and said yea those documents are authentic but we are not going to discuss them with you and we are going to keep you off the air anyway.