_________________ Dwight Schrute: Jim is my enemy. But it turns out that Jim is also his own worst enemy. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So Jim, is actually my friend. But, because he is his own worst enemy, the enemy of my friend is my enemy so actually Jim is my enemy. But...
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle"
" Bolje jedno vruće pivo nego četri ladna, bolje jedna stara baba nego djeva mlada!"
"Whose bike is it baby? It's Zeds. Who is Zed baby? Zed's dead."
"Važno je zvati se Mladen!"
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zamisli da me roditelji dodaju na FB
Imao sam staru na fejsu, nazalost. Lose iskustvo.
_________________ Of my past, there remained only a heavy ruin,
Finally allowing my cold self to breath in.
Of my plans of a slow succumbing,
Silent smokes were now escaping, from their ashes dying.
MissTake je napisao/la: ›
zamisli da me roditelji dodaju na FB
Imao sam staru na fejsu, nazalost. Lose iskustvo.
ja svoju obrisao
Zato i velim imao. I ja sam ju izbrisao, jednostavno ideja nije bila pametna od pocetka.
_________________ Of my past, there remained only a heavy ruin,
Finally allowing my cold self to breath in.
Of my plans of a slow succumbing,
Silent smokes were now escaping, from their ashes dying.
_________________ http://essekeri.hr/svi-essekeri
Veži konja gdje ti gazda kaže, osobito ako ti je konj gazda.
Živim kao pas, a zamjeraju mi kad lajem.
Djecu učimo da budu iskrena, vrijedna i poštena. Sjeća li se tko zašto?