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Poll :: Nedostaje li Vam zima?

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Ukupno glasova : 85

Autor Poruka
Leteci mungos

Ukupno postova: 6728
Lokacija: Priory of Semen
Spol: Nebitno Nebitno
Post Postano: 23.02.2007. 13:52 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

bazooka_joe je napisao/la: › Apsolutno ne... Volim 30+ i subtropsku klimu, ljepljivu košulju i graške znoja na golom ženskom tijelu usred noći.
Odlicno receno, kolega! Dodao bih jos samo "...moje graske znoja..." ;-)

Citat: › Najviše žalim za zimom zato što će zatopljenje dugoročno rezultirati zahlađenjem; fuck!
E, to je ono najgore... kad smo vec kod toga - preporucam gledanje An Inconvenient Truth - odlican dokumentarac Al Gore-a. Eh, kakvo bi mjesto svijet danas bio da nije bilo mucki na Floridi... eh, eh...

"You owe it to yourself to see this film ..., 5 June 2006

Author: Doug Leigh from Long Beach, CA

... If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to." - Roger Ebert

After the closing credits to An Inconvenient Truth rolled, I walked out to my car in the theater's parking lot. LA's infamous haze hung low, crimson in the twilight. In the foreground a solitary grasshopper pump drew up oil that had laid dormant for hundreds of millions of years. If Supersize Me made the prospect of a Big Mac and fries a little less appealing, imagine the feeling of slipping into a six cylinder car for a three mile trip home.

Just the same, An Inconvenient Truth is not about blame. It's also not only about the problems that global warming poses. Instead, it sets aside the matter of "who's fault is it" and leaves the viewer with the desire to ask and answer the question of "what can I do?" The film (and companion website) does not fail to deliver: both offer practicable steps to take regarding the literal sea change facing the planet.

The movie presents evidence that, to me, was quite compelling. Is it incontrovertible? Not being an environmental scientist, I couldn't say. But it's telling that out of almost 1000 peer reviewed scientific journals the film examines on the topic of global warming, the matter was not questioned by one (though doubted in more than half of the popular literature written during the same time). It's also worth mentioning that while Al Gore hosts the film, this movie is not about him. And while he may have showed up for some six years ago as stiff and stodgy, in this context he is masterful in blending the informative with the entertaining.

Go see the film for yourself. Bring a friend. Trust me, you'll be glad to have carpooled.

CatCloe je napisao/la: › utječu li ove nagle promjene vremena i na vaše raspoloženje? ja se osjećam kao zombi već par tjedana... nikako da se probudim Very Happy
Hmm... na mene najvise utjece Mjesec i njegovo mijene... Uh, daleko vise od bilo kojeg godisnjeg doba...

Prije par dana sam bio totalno low i nezainteresiran... sada vec lagano osjecam kako raste khm energija... ;-)

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