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Tiki - teta me obranila od smrti svojim tijelom

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Post Postano: 20.08.2014. 16:36 
Naslov:  Tiki - teta me obranila od smrti svojim tijelom
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

*Koračao sam na hranjenje, kao i svake večeri u 18 sati. Bio sam sretan jer ću i danas papati, teta je izdvojila nešto za mene. Treba biti brz jer ima i drugih maca, puno većih i jačih od mene. Ulica je nemilosrdna prema onima koji se ne snalaze. Ali moja draga teta hranilica ima milosti prema nama, ona upre prstom u svakog od nas i kaze: "i ti si važan, i ti, i ti, svi ste vi važni".

Tek što sam uzeo koji zalogajčić, pojavila se sjenka, onako čudna šuljajuća, snažna, od koje se mace boje. Velikim komadom cigle, sjenka je izudarala moje maleno tijelo, nisam se više mogao pomaknuti, čuo sam otkucaje svog srca u asfaltu. Teta me pokušala obraniti, sve nas. Tukao ju je i onda gušio na zemlji. "Jebene mačke" je rekao. "Crkni ku*o" je rekao. Nepokretnim tijelom i otvorenim očima sam gledao dok je sjenka ubijao moju tetu. No ona se uspjela othrvati i on je pobjegao.*

ZAŠTO BI ITKO HTIO NAUDITI ULIČNOJ BEBI MACI I TETI koja o njoj nesebično skrbi? Zato što su mace "prljava zarazna bića koja kakaju ljudima po cvijeću i urliču noću i zato ih treba istrijebiti. ZAR JE TO NAČIN, na koji ćemo se odnositi prema svijetu oko sebe, način na koji ćemo rješavati problem regulacije broja napuštenih. CIGLAMA? I od svih problema koje je u danom trenutku taj nečovjek imao na ovom svijetu, mače od 3 mj. je utjelovilo sav njegov gnjev i poslužilo njegovoj ruci za iživljavanje. Ono čega počinitelj valjda nije svjestan jest da gnjev ne izlazi van tek tako, on zarazi cijelo tijelo, kao trulo meso i operira mozgom bez razuma, jer niti jedan prisebni razum ne bi pogledalo u oči ove životinje i svjesno ju izudaralo ciglom..


Dana 13. kolovoza, oko 18 sati navečer, poznati počinitelj je brutalno napao gospođu koja je pokušala nahraniti mace na svom hranilištu u Osijeku, odnosno pokušavši ozlijediti mace koje hrani, ozlijedio je i nju samu. Zadobila je viseštruke udarce te je izvršen i pokušaj gušenja. Počinitelj je poznata osoba, radi se o susjedu napadnute. Teta hranilica je zaprimljena na osječkom odjelu hitne pomoći. Jedno mače - Tiki, je teško stradalo - zato sto je izvršen pokušaj ubojstva ciglom. Sa tek 3 mj., ima teški prijelom lijeve butne kosti, te će morati biti podvrgnuto postupku osteosinteze, skupocjenom veterinarskom postupku, radi rekuperacije polomljenih kosti i buduće mogućnosti pokreta.

Udruga devet života je PREUZELA trošak zahvata na sebe, te VAS MOLIMO da nam u tome pomognete. Počinitelj je ovom mačetu dao prijelom i bol, MI ĆEMO MU POKLONITI život i nadamo se u budućnosti pokret. Kako je Zakonom o zaštiti životinja zabranjeno životinje ubijati, nanositi im bol, patnju i ozljede, te ih namjerno izlagati strahu, UDRUGA 9 ŽIVOTA iz Osijeka je 15.08 podnijela KAZNENU PRIJAVU protiv poznatog počinitelja te je postupak je u obradi. Daljnje informacije slijede kako ih dobijemo.

Uplatu pomoći Tikiju možete izvršiti na nas račun: (naznaka - za Tikija)
IBAN HR39 23400091110475218
PayPal: [email protected]

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*I was walking to my daily feeding, like every night at 18 o'clock. I was happy because I will eat today and that my aunty will put something on the side, just for me, like she always does. A kitten has to eat fast because there are other cats, much bigger and stronger than me. Street is very unforgiving to those who are struggling. But my dear aunty has plenty of warmth and mercy for us, she points her finger to each one of us and says: "and you're important, you, you, you are all important."

As soon as I took that first snack, there was a shadow, a strange and sneaking, strong one, one of those of which cats run away. A large piece of brick, hit my little body again and again till I could no longer move. As I layed there, I only heard the beating of my heart in the asphalt. My aunty tried to protect me, all of us. He beat her and then choked her on earth. "Fucking cats," he said. "Die bi * ch," he said. With my immobile body and open eyes I watched as the shadow tried to kill my aunty. But she managed to resist him and he fled. *

Why would anyone want to hurt a street BABY CAT AND A LADY who selflessly cares about it? Because cats are "dirty creatures that spread illnes and poop on peoples flowers and howl at night, so they should be exterminated." IS THIS THE WAY, in which we relate to the world around us, the way we tackle the problem of abandoned animals. WITH BRICKS? And all of the problems the perpetrator had at that particular moment in life, he transmitted on a kitten of only 3 months of age. He epitomized all of his anger at it and his little body served his hand for ranting. What the perpetrator is not aware, is that his anger does not blow out just like that, it infects the whole body as a rotten meat and brain operates without any reason, because none of calm reason could take a look in the eyes of this animal and deliberately kick it with brick..


On 13 August, about 18 o'clock in the evening, known perpetrator brutally attacked a lady who tried to feed abandoned cats in her feeding area in Osijek, and by trying to hurt the cats present at that moment, he also beat her up, as she tried to defend them. He used multiple fist strokes at her body and also attempted suffocation. The perpetrator is known, it is a neighbor of the lady attacked. She was received at the urgent ambulance in Osijek. One kitten - Tiki is seriously hurt - because upon him was attempted murder, by a brick. With only 3 months he has a severe fracture of the left femur, and will have to be subjected to the process of osteosynthesis, a expensive veterinary procedure for the recuperation of the broken bones and the future possibilities of movement.

The NGO 9 LIVES is taking the burdain of the full cost of this procedure, and WE ARE PLEADING FOR YOUR HELP in this. The perpetrator gave this kitten, hard fracture and pain, WE WILL give him LIFE AND HOPE in the future movement. As the Animal Protection Act of Croatia prohibits killing animals, their pain, suffering and injury, and intentionally exposing them to fear, NGO 9 LIVES, on the 15th filed charges against the known perpetrator, and the procedure is in progress. Further details as we get them.

Payment assistance to Tiki and his hard and expensive operation can be made to our account: (hint - for Tiki)
IBAN HR39 23400091110475218
PayPal: [email protected]

Napomena: Tekst je kopiran i pstan sa facebook stranice Udruge "Devet života", pa detaljnije o ovom nasilnom događaju možete tamo pročitati, kao i vidjeti fotografije.

Tiki - Teta me obranila svojim tijelom od sigurne smrti

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